Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 26 - Secrets To Creating Stories That Connect - Interview With Ken Kebow Part 2



When you create a video to tell a story, do you sometimes feel like you are shooting in the dark? Or, because you're not sure what to shoot, you record everything and it makes it hard to edit? Wouldn't it be great to know the secrets behind creating stories that connect with your audience? Here's the good news, it doesn't have to be that way for you! On this week's podcast I interview Emmy award winning documentary producer and director Kenneth Kebow about his secrets to Creating Stories That Connect. Learn Ken's secrets including: the importance of using sound to make a connection with your audience how to help people you interview look and feel comfortable what you need to consider before you hit the record button Ken is a friend, colleague and mentor who has been in the television business for more than 30 years. He's worked with Google, American Airlines, Ford, CBS and the United States Marines. He's also been honored with numerous awards for his corporate and documentary work including The Whimsical Im