Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 28 - How To Develop Your Camera Confidence



  On Camera Confidence is a result of  working with your strengths and developing in areas where you are not as strong. What Can I Do If I Don't Like The Way I Look On Camera? I Know It's Silly, But I Can't Help It... During my career there have been times where I’m really sensitive about my appearance too. When that happens I have had to work to get that voice out of my ahead that always judges how I look.  Like anything, some days I do a better job than others. What I can share with you are some concrete actions you can take to start getting to the root of your on camera shyness. And, you are not alone! Today I’m going to share a  Really Cool Tool To Help You Build Your On Camera Confidence In episode one of this podcast, I shared with you a bit about what led me to do my graduate work in organization development or OD.  For those of you not familiar with this area of study, I think this definition supports our topic today.   OD is the practice of planned, systemic change in the beliefs, attitudes and valu