Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 37 - How to create an outline for your next live video



Live video is something we all need to do for our businesses and it can be intimidating when you haven’t done it before. I hear from so many of you that you feel paralyzed because you don’t know where to get started, you don’t feel like you have anything to say or that you can remember what you want to share. Learn a simple outline to use for your live videos to keep you on track, get you message out and show up with confidence and presence. Remember, when you’re going live it’s not about you, it’s about your audience and the value you are delivering through your message. Once you get over worrying about what other people think and focus on the message you want to share, you’ll see a big shift in your energy. That goes to purpose. Get to the point, don’t waste your viewer's time with irrelevant information. They tuned in to learn, so teach and deliver your message. Listen to learn a  quick outline, (you can think of it as a mini plan) to use to help you shape your video.