Sam Talks Technology

Robert Scoble talks about 'What is Spatial Computing?'



Sam Sethi talked with Robert Scoble about what is Spatial Computing? We talked about Facebook's new PC-free Oculus Quest (£499) and the higher end Oculus Rift S which just came out and how they could really be game changers in the VR gaming world but also in many other industries including health, education and entertainment.We also discussed the new Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 (which costs £999) it's a newer version of its business-focused Glass augmented reality headset.Robert also gave us his insight about what and when Apple might release the 5G iPhone and possibly Apple glasses?Other companies we discussed include Amazon, MagicLeap, Bose and Unity.Robert's BooKScoble is writing a new book about Spatial Computing and recording his thoughts using Otter.AI to transcribe his thoughts.