Sam Talks Technology

David Terrar talks about why he believes 2007 was a significant milestone year for technology.



Sam Sethi talked with David Terrar about the changes in the IT industry over the last 40 years and how his first job offer from IBM was delivered by an old-fashioned telegram! Yes there was no email in 1978.We talked about the many changes he has seen from his early days at IBM with mainframes and learning programming languages such as Fortran through to today's newer technologies such as blockchain.Dave talked about why he believes 2007 was a significant milestone year for technology with the combined introduction/adoption of cloud computing, social media and mobile phones.We ended up talking about how 2020 will be the next critical key technology year with the introduction/adoption of 5G, AI, Blockchain, IPFS & Smart Contracts aka it's the dawn of the Web 3.0 era.