Sam Talks Technology

Cary Marsh talks about successfully crowdfunding her engineering project Bootclaw and FlipBook.



Sam Sethi and Cary Marsh have been friends for over a decade. We first met when Cary was CEO of Mydeo and online video hosting company. In this podcast we talked about Cary's two successful kickstarter projects - Bootclaw and My Flipping World. Cary explains why she prefers to raise funds via crowdfunding instead of through more traditional Angel or VC routes having had such a harrowing time raising funds for Mydeo.Cary also talks us through how she had the idea and more importantly how she went about getting the product to market.Cary's degree in engineering from Nottingham University was 20 years ago, however there are still so few women engineers. We discussed why that is and what can be done to encourage more women.In the future Cary would like to launch more tangible products through Punchfront Innovation via kickstarter.