York Story Slam

Family Feud



Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.  On September 17th, ten storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Holy Hound Taproom in downtown York. The theme for our September story slam was FAMILY FEUD. We heard stories of grudges, divorces, and deaths in the family, and even one about punching a rabbi. In the end, our winner was Ted Elicker, who won with his story about the time he accidentally auditioned for a game show. Next up we have a story from Jason Plotkin, who shared a story about his family's favorite part of the Thanksgiving turkey. Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from a first-time storyteller for York Story Slam, Jeff Stoltzfus. Jeff told the story of the consequences of his childhood feuding with his sister. All the winners from this year’s monthly open mic story slam events will return to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam in November.