York Story Slam

Man vs. Beast



Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania. On April 21st, eight storytellers shared their stories with our audience through our first ever virtual slam! Our theme for the evening was MAN vs BEAST. We heard stories about encounters with wild animals, stories about family pets, and one story about facing fear - the beast within. In the end, Jason Sabol won with his story about his childhood pet, and his last days with Jason’s family.  Jason earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.  Congratulations, Jason! Next up is a story from Jeanie Parker, who shared why she was afraid of being eaten alive by a bear on family vacations in the Poconos.  Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Eileen Joyce. Eileen shared her story of preparing her cat for a cross-country flight. All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York. Update