York Story Slam

Road Trip



Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania. On July 21st, our theme for the evening was ROAD TRIP. We heard stories about teenage shenanigans, traveling in beat-up clunker automobiles, and sidekicks with names like Fry, Fish, and Foot.  In the end, we had a tie! Our first winning storyteller was Steph Holmes, who shared the story of a trip that helped her find her passion and path in life.  Steph earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November! Our second winner for the evening was Jamie Beth Cohen, who shared her story of the time she and her brother were in danger on a road trip.  Jamie Beth also earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November!  Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Paul Armstrong. Paul remembered his own coming-of-age story from his senior year of high school. All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.