York Story Slam

Happy Days



Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania. The theme for our June story slam was HAPPY DAYS. We heard stories about happy childhood moments from the perspectives of both child and parent, perspective gained during the pandemic, and reminiscing before walking a daughter down the aisle to the altar. In the end, we had a tie! Our first winner was Jamie Beth Cohen, who shared how partying as a young person has affected the rest of her life. Our second winner was Randy Schulz, who shared his story of preparing to walk his daughter down the aisle. Jamie Beth and Randy earned spots in our Grand Slam in November.  Next up we have Tony Crocamo, who told the story of his first fishing trip. Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Elizabeth Erenberg. Liz shared about the lessons she's taken from her family's isolation during the pandemic. Updates on our events are available on our website, and while you’re