Danny Hauger Podcasts




Alina, I am so glad to meet you You’re new in town,  I’d be happy to drive you around. I know the way,  I drive these streets every day. I know its hard being the new person in town.  You can tell me all about the doubts you have from leaving.  But every test that’s given has wrong answers given.       Alina,  Don’t let this world deceive you. Your destiny is whatever you wanted to to  be.  Don’t let the world Deter you from the goals you care to do Whatever you define.    Is there a certain company That appears in your dreams?   When I’m too frightened to say the things that are on my mind.  We get lumped into boxes we can’t break.    I’m afraid of anything except the doubt I can’t explain to you I want to tell you everything, but I’m too scared to scare off anyone not feeling rhe same.    You’re new but you don’t feel home.  I’m home but I don’t feel new.  I’m sad but I could think that thinking You would be happier here,  If you felt safe at home.  And so I’ll give you a ride