Do You Still Like Us?

this episode is gonna suck, try to follow along # 057



Their voyage has taken a dark turn, heavy fogs hang thickly above the water obscuring all distance, muffling all sound. They have found many objects of precious and miraculous natures throughout their adventures, wondrous things that promised their ship could never be stopped. But still a sharp, electric snap crackles thicker and thicker in the air the closer they sail to the Broken Throne of the Old King. A static that bites and clings to their skin and lips and eyelids. The Captain is always at the helm, refusing to rest or eat until the crew has to force her below deck, faint and wobbly legged, so she can eat a meager meal and catch a few hours of restless sleep before it all begins anew. The 2 clever little girls have shown they have quite the aptitude for strategy and so while the Captain rests Genna, Jessie and the 2 little girls plan late into dim waxy lit nights. They search for a new and clever way to find that odious throne and steal its horrendous treasure.