Do You Still Like Us?

is this podcast still going...oddly enough...yes : a podcast where miguel's back #088



and so they sit and think, about the moment, about each other...2 little girls wonder if they can trust, everything seems lost and wrapping and warping in weird ways...but can they trust? ??>> CAN i trust u?>>”” ‘we we’re gonna ask the same thing’ a laugh...and a real stare “”””I “””don””t know?’ ‘same, but let’s try;;; moments ago..cuteness enticed them too quick...but still they linger ‘i feel our story lingers’ PPPO]lingers***]]] ‘langish’ ... +_+_prehaps, we dive in>>>>>> ..... ...>>>> i fear, but prehaps....I should ++ ‘shush silly’ ‘lets be silly’ ;lets trust to trust’ }{}|||~whuuuuuuy))))( ‘because WE are real’ ‘because WE are silly’