Do You Still Like Us?

shamelessly going ham on @graceorsomething ...oh and #shaneglossin ...we need to mention this for the we love Shane...your boomer is showing : a podcast recorded before corona #099



deeper down and so things row, beauty and gold and rose and old, and new and strange and pains with clever brains, and souls with personalities, and moles digging too down and deep, and a silly misunderstanding between a jelly’s large belly thinking they had first dibs on the old song and melody, only to sink their teeth on folds of jellied beets, more fins then feets, more fins than feats, din after din until in the cacophony, still 4 heartings beat beatly beat, awwed and wondered at sights they’ve never seen, scenes new and not before, nothing settles, just shifts farther, darker, further down into then and than well past before and than and then until there’s almost more...