Bitcoin Brief

Why You Should Accept Bitcoin Right Now



You can join the peaceful revolution by accepting bitcoin for your own products and services, or simply transferring some of your wealth into the bitcoin economy by purchasing some on an exchange or from a bitcoin atm near you. I believe in a world where money cannot be printed or typed into existence; it must be earned. I believe that one day there will be no war. The initiation of force will cease, as there will be no incentive. I believe there is a fundamental flaw in the way our monetary systems operates, and that that flaw is the root cause of a huge amount of unnecessary suffering. Real money is a durable, divisible, portable, distinguishable, discretionary, and most importantly scarce. In the last six years our central bank has typed 375 billion pounds into existence. This exhibits an abundance of money, the very opposite of scarcity, and is equivalent spending now and allowing an asteroid of debt to annihilate our unborn children. I refuse to believe anyone who tells me “you must vote to change so