Ordinary Artists

S02E04 Urielle Klein-Mekongo



I met up and chatted to Urielle Klein-Mekongo and we chatted her show, Yvette, performing, drama schools, Edinburgh Fringe, how she got into the theatre with schemes such as Playing Up and how this lead to her going to East15. Urielle is the writer and creator of Yvette, a one-woman show with original music about a stolen childhood and growing up with a secret. Produced by China Plate, Yvette went to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017 and tour London venues such as The Bush, Battersea Arts Centre, The Albany, Camden's People's Theatre and more. Socials: @Ukleinmekongo @Mumba_Jasmine @OrdArtists www.chinaplatetheatre.com/yvette mumbadodwell@outlook.com