New Bridge Church - Pastors Jeff Lyle & Dustin Pennington

Unity: Good Enough To Sing About



People like songs about love, about victory, about heartbreak and about breakthrough. We write and sing of those things about which we are most passionate. Interestingly, there is a very short song in our bible that is all about the topic of…unity. Really? Unity? Yes, the Holy Spirit inspired a song to be written about the powerful blessing which God’s children experience when they do life together in unity. Most people do not know that there is an elevated blessing which only finds those who walk in unity with their spiritual brothers & sisters. Apart from this unity, this blessing on the rest of the Christian’s life will be smothered. If unity is important enough for God to write a song about it, then it must be good enough for us to sing about it. This message is not actually put to music, but it needs to become music to our ears as the Church advances together for the Gospel.