Cowries And Rice

Episode 17 - 130 Years of China/South Sudan history



Hosts Winslow Robertson and Dr. Nkemjika Kalu continue their discussion of China/South Sudan relations, this time examining the history between both countries. And who better to ask than Dr. Daniel Large, Assistant Professor at Central European University and the Director of the Rift Valley Institute of the Sudan Open Archive. He recently completed his PhD at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies. His thesis, "Fantastic Invasions: intervention and the politics of the international in Sudan," looks at the international community's relations with Sudan and how it reacted to Chinese engagement with the country. He has also published a number of books and articles, notably a co-edited volume with Chris Alden and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira: "China Returns to Africa: A Continent and a Rising Power Embrace, published by Hurst Publishers and Columbia University Press. He also wears extremely stylish glasses, but we fear you will not be able to see them! PS There are a few technical glitch