New Bridge Church - Pastors Jeff Lyle & Dustin Pennington

Kingdom DNA 04 - The Necessity of the Holy Spirit



Preached By: Jeff Lyle Preached On: 02/02/2020 Description: "There are certain strands of Kingdom DNA that are irreplaceable. No substitute will do. When it comes to living as citizens of God’s Kingdom, and advancing the message of Jesus into the dark kingdom of this world, we must recognize the necessity of the Holy Spirit. God’s people must understand in their minds and surrender in their hearts to what Scripture says about the person and work of God the Spirit. Apart from Him, we cannot accomplish anything that will bring lasting glory to God. Holy Spirit gives us life, purifies us from sin and the flesh, energizes our lives to become supernatural, transforms us over time to reveal the nature of Jesus to others, and unifies us with all other Christians. None of these things can be accomplished through any other means than the indwelling spirit of God. This message harnesses multiple passages of Scripture to emphasize just how much we need Him in our lives today.” Partner With Us! Donate Online At: mynewb