Orton Family Foundation

Engagement 3.0



If you're serious about engagement, you stopped expecting people to just come to your meetings a long time ago. And if you're really serious about engagement, you know that even social media and block parties can't help you reach all the people in your community. The next frontiers in innovative public engagement include a whole range of options, from games to placemaking to diversity training - and critical combinations of strategies old and new. Listen in to find out how to take engagement to the next level in your town. Featuring Larry Schooler, Community Engagement Consultant for the City of Austin and US President-Elect of the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) and Eric Gordon, Associate Professor of Visual and Media Arts at Emerson College and Director of the Engagement Game Lab. Call recorded on August 9, 2012. Notes available online at bit.ly/NU9wOR.