Orton Family Foundation

Engaging Diversity



Youth and elders, young families and baby boomers. Red-staters and blue-staters, tea-partyers and progressives. The 1% and the 99%. Brown, black, yellow, white, and everything in between. Engaging the increasingly diverse people in shaping the future of our communities is one of the greatest challenges we face these days. And meaningfully engaging them is even harder. On this recording you'll learn how to identify and reach the full diversity of people in your community and make sure that participation is civil, meaningful, and valued. Featuring Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Executive Director of the National Institute for Civil Discourse and Founder of AmericaSpeaks and Mónica Palmquist Velázquez, Community Advisory Team Member, Cortez, CO Heart & Soul project. Recorded on December 13, 2012. Notes available online at bit.ly/PTAnKM. Photo credit: 2K Bloggers Project