Orton Family Foundation

Civic Infrastructure: On the Ground!



In a nutshell, civic infrastructure consists of the opportunities, activities and arenas—both online and face-to-face—that allow people to connect with each other, solve problems, make decisions and celebrate community. By strengthening civic infrastructure, a community can become a more prosperous, vibrant place to live. But what does strong civic infrastructure look like on the ground? How do you know how much of it your town has? Or needs? How can you and your town start to build it? What are other communities doing that’s been successful? In this call, you'll hear from Sandy Heierbacher from NCDD as well as two practitioners working to build civic infrastructure on the ground - Patricia Sears of Newport City Renaissance Corporation and Janice Thomson, a public engagement consultant in Chicago. Notes, including speaker introductions, are available online at: bit.ly/ZhBwPU.