Orton Family Foundation

Community Broadband Networks



Slow internet stinks. It kills business growth, hinders education, impedes health care services, and generally just makes life a little less enjoyable. But what can you do? Aren’t we all just stuck with the service we’ve got? What if there was a solution that offered fast, affordable and reliable internet service, while benefiting your community and your economy? This, my friend, is what Community Broadband Networks have to offer. On this CommunityMatters® conference call, Christopher Mitchell of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and Billy Ray of Glasgow Electric Plant Board join us to talk about Community Broadband Networks, publicly-owned providers of high-speed internet. Listen to the recording to learn about the benefits of community broadband along with tips for getting started with a network in your city or town. Find the notes for this call at http://bit.ly/1nUflvd. Photo credit: Sebastiaan ter Burg Flickr Creative Commons License http://flickr.com/photos/ter-burg/8823162570