Orton Family Foundation

Deepening Digital Public Engagement



Your town is finally in the digital age with a website, online calendar, and Facebook page. Now you can sit back and relax, right? Not exactly. An array of online tools is available that can take your digital presence to the next level, promoting collaboration between government and citizens, engaging new audiences, and effectively complementing “analog” face-to-face engagement. It’s time for your town to get online and see what’s out there! On this CommunityMatters® conference call you'll dig deeper into digital engagement with experts Alissa Black and Pete Peterson. You’ll learn about online public engagement and which digital tools are right for your town. Follow along with the call notes at http://bit.ly/1qAcco8. Photo Credit: Sebastiaan ter Burg, Flickr Creative Commons, https://flic.kr/p/eqJHbr