Centric Cities Podcast

// 3 // Talking Property Finance with Michael Dean



This episode was originally recorded in May 2017. It was the first in a two-part episode looking at new financing models for property development. Whilst we can look at a variety of means and virtuous ideas for creating cities, it also has to be funded by someone, somehow. Finance is crucial to the industry, certainly as the majority of the business is based in moving private capital around to generate returns. Sometimes it’s never the industry sector itself that needs changing, but the tools its uses and laws around it that guide its actions. In this episode I’m going to be speaking with Michael Dean, who’s a principal at the firm Avamore Capital. I’ve known Michael for a while now and I’ve always enjoyed speaking with him as he looks at his industry with quite a rounded view. Michael is both a traditionalist and a tech inspired radical. He’s a well educated and rounded man and I hope he imparts some insights to you. If you have any questions to ask Michael in response to anything he’s said you can contact