Centric Cities Podcast

Health Effects Of Air Pollution & Equitable Solutions With Kate Langford Of Guys & St. Thomas's



This interview is with Kate Langford, The Impact on Urban Health’s Programme Director for health effects of air pollution. A ten-year programme focusing on mitigating the disproportionate effect that exposure to poor air quality has on the health and wellbeing of those most susceptible to it. The Impact on Urban Health is a specialist division part of Guy's and St Thomas' Charity. For over 500 years, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity has been a constant in London’s ever-changing landscape, at the leading edge of health. Their endowment has allowed them to take a long-term view to help tackle the big health challenges of today and tomorrow. They invest and use assets, from property to a large arts collection, to produce in come that transforms lives locally in South London and in cities around the world. Before joining the Charity, Kate worked at Innovation Unit, a public sector consultancy, where she led their work in health and social care, applying design-led methodologies to solve complex social issues. She s