Women Infused Radio With Kristi Lynn Olson - Women | Business | Fascinating Faith

008 Fabulous & Flawed: Becoming Visible



As women working in the marketplace, experts and leaders, its time to really become visible, find your voice, strength, and boldly stand up and embrace the beauty of your purpose, or what I call your #BeautifulPower! To stop hiding.   I want to introduce a new idea:  How about Becoming a woman of influence who is Flawed and Fabulous! Being perfect is not possible.  Being flawed and fabulous at the same time is.  So many women wait until everything is perfect, and never get anything accomplished.  Sometimes it’s fear, fear of not being good enough, smart enough, accomplished enough….and the list goes on.  Being flawed and fabulous is the true beauty of a woman of influence and a leader of change. 4 Areas (or WINGS of a butterfly) you need to get control over to fully function in your fabulousness: The First Wing:  Body This wing is where you remove barriers, and limiting beliefs.  It’s where your basic needs of protection, provision, and acceptance lie.  It’s where you work on the physical things that keep yo