
You - Joe Brim on Eradicating Facades



Joe Brim is the creative coordinator of Passion Students at Passion City Church. He's such a solid guy and you can easily see God in him and his life. We get into a bit of Godly dating then jump right into how his picture of how he would glorify God with his talents totally changed, hit up the fake natures that are a part of us as well as the importance of discipleship. At the end, you get Joe's and my take on The Last Jedi. Great episode, enjoy! This is the part where I ask you to subscribe to the podcast and rewrite a review. Right now Worth behind a furries podcast, if you don't know what that is, don't worry about it, but it's incredibly depressing. There is so much more to come from Worth and if you enjoyed the last three, subscribe to get a new episode every Monday! Remember - you're awesome and God's going to use you to do awesome things today. Music is Murmur by Broke For Free