
Callen Toscano: Reuniting the Church and Culture



I'm so pumped to have Callen Toscano on Worth! Callen is incredibly smart and articulate, I loved having conversations with him on van rides to and from the capital when we staffed TeenPact Texas III two weeks ago and I love this one as well. We talk knowledge vs. wisdom, the church's role in community, how our faith applies to politics and a bunch more. Enjoy!   If you want Worth to inspire and reach more people leaving a rating and subscribing to the podcast is the BEST way to do that. Makes a huge difference and I will love you SO much. You can hit up Callen on Instagram @callentoscano and on Twitter @callentoscano As always follow @worthpodcast for the latest great stuff and if you like me enough you can find me @robby.whaley Thanks for listening!   Music is Murmur by Broke for Free