Jimmy Harding Presents Game Changer Talks

GCT-009: Tap the Wisdom of One of the Greatest Entrepreneurial and Marketing Minds on the Planet with Joe Polish



Today we are excited to welcome Joe Polish, the Founder and President of Piranha Marketing, creator of the Genius Network Interview series and the Genius Network Mastermind group. Due to his remarkable success with this mastermind, Joe has been credited as the “collaborator of putting geniuses together”, with many well-known members such as Richard Branson, Peter Diamandis, Steve Forbes, Arianna Huffington, and Mike Koenigs. Don’t miss Joe’s amazing story and practical advice for all entrepreneurs looking to take a fresh approach to marketing and bring themselves and their business to its upmost potential.  You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://bit.ly/1rigcsS