Jimmy Harding Presents Game Changer Talks

GCT-024: John Bowen – Pay Yourself First



On today's episode of the Game Changer Talks, we're excited to have John Bowen on the show. John is the CEO of CEG Worldwide, a coaching organization that educates the top 1% of all financial advisers worldwide. Listen in as John shares his incredible entrepreneurial journey from Navy Pilot to managing over 400 employees and then running his virtual consulting company. Drawing upon the lessons he learned over his many years in the financial world, John is now working with financial advisors to  help them provide their clients with an amazing experience. Do not miss John’s game-changing tips that will ensure that you are delivering the best possible customer service that will have your name on the tip of everyone’s tongue.  You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://bit.ly/1rZaC11