Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media

Ep.4:TravelBan2.0 Still a Muslim Ban with a kick; Deepa Iyer: "People are already living in fear."



In Emil Amok's Takeout, host Emil Guillermo, writer on the Asian American Legal Defense and Educaton Fund blog (www.aaldef.org/blog) talks about the new travel ban. Even sanitized, the ban is an attack on Muslims and Muslim Americans.  Beyond the travelers it specifically bans, it authorizes a provision to create a data base of foreign nationals in America and the crimes they commit.  A score card! What better way to criminalize an innocent community. It's another wrongheaded attempt by Trump 45 which will only alienate and anger Islamic people, not just from the six countries in the ban, but all Islamic countries and the communities where they live in America. Good job, Trump! Emil also talks to Deepa Iyer, author of the book, "We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim,and Sikh immigrants shape our multi-racial future." Iyer says immigrant communities are already in fear. She denounces the travel ban, and talks about how it fans xenophobia in the U.S.  Specifically, she talks about the shooting death in