Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media

Ep.8: Trump's Cruise Missile Viagra; Bataan Death March 75 years later;"Ghost in the Shell" worse than whitewashed



Emil Amok's Takeout is the podcast/radio program of award-winning journalist and commentator Emil Guillermo.  Read his takes on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund blog at http://www.aaldef.org/blog And at http://www.amok.com On this episode, he is astonished by the sudden change in Trump. Yes, Syria is a grave situation. But Trump, the man of walls, the man who would chop off 24 million from Obamacare, and pass along any savings to his generals, has never shown anything but a tough, hard bottom-line approach to life. So forgive me for being skeptical of his jingoism because he was moved by the victims of Syria's Assad.  Let's see if Trump says anything at all about the Bataan Death March.  It's iconic and yet, no one really knows a whole lot beyond the name.  The Filipinos in America know how important it was. And now a move is on to make sure it's in the California high school curriculum. April 9 marks the 75th anniversary of the death march where 10,000 Filipinos lost their lives compared t