Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media

Ep.9: Dr.David Dao's Dragging; United's failing; Dao's lawyer Tom Demetrio; Daughter, Crystal Pepper; And Mimi Hwang on the Louisville Asian American community near where Dr. Dao lives and works.



  Emil Guillermo: Dragged United passenger Dr. David Dao is no Rosa Parks, but he could be a poster boy for all consumers April 13, 2017 4:45 PM When the U.S. drops the "mother of all bombs" on Afghanistan as a worldwide message, it's time for a little sobering perspective. Maybe we could take a little more time to treat all people with a little more respect, fairness and dignity in our everyday lives. Person to person. And certainly, corporation to consumer.  Which brings us to the viral bombshell of a story that won't die.  If United, or anyone else, thought the dragging of Dr. David Dao was a short-term headline that would go away with a simple apology, they were sorely mistaken. Dao's tale is bigger than anyone thought. It's soon to become the last stand for the modern global consumer.  Dao, the 69-year-old man dragged off a United flight so that the airline could seat its own employees, has hired Thomas Demetrio, a top-notch personal injury lawyer based in Chicago. At a press conference Thursday, Deme