Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media

Ep.11: Trump's 100, LA Riots, 9,125 days later; Chinese Takeouts Discriminated in Philly; In Ho Oh, Stephen Guillermo, forgiveness



Show notes (index at bottom) Korean American community leader John Lim from the KCCD/MyKoreanStory.org series on "Sa-I-Gu." Go to www.saigue429.org. Also, how Chinese Takeouts in Philadelphia are being discriminated against in another story that involves Asians and African Americans pitted against one another. Councilman David Oh details how what started with home invasions has progressed into harassment by police. Oh, a Korean American, says he gets guidance from the brutal death of his cousin in Philadelphia in 1958. Beaten by black youths, In Ho Oh died, but his family rejected revenge in favor of forgiveness. And it's the third year after the murder of my cousin, Stephen Guillermo. http://aaldef.org/blog/emil-guillermo-trumps-100-days-la-riots-cousins-death-asian-pacific-american-heritage-month-david-da.html   Emil Guillermo: Trump's 100 vs. real anniversaries: the LA riots, a cousin's death, and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month; PODCAST: Will Dao get a tax cut? And more... April 27, 2017 4:44 PM