Jane Hamill | Podcast

5 Content Marketing Tips for Your Product-Based Business in 2021



This week's podcast is the second half of last week's episode, The 4 Elements of an Effective Marketing Strategy. If you haven't listened to that one yet, I suggest you listen to that one first.  You'll find it at janehamill.com/4elements, This week's topic is 5 Content Marketing Tips For Your Product-Based Business in 2021. Why do I love content marketing so much? Why am I teaching you this? Because it is the breadcrumbs that you put out into the world. You give people value pertaining to the lifestyle of what you sell and they find you through that content. They get lured in through the breadcrumbs. They follow you into your blog, your website, your email list eventually become a customer. Now, let’s get down to specifics. https://janehamill.com/5tips/