Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Money People Deal: Chapter 6



When it comes to stocks, insider trading might be illegal, but in real estate, it's essential to win the game. And as a real estate investor gets the first chance to purchase a property in a private way, he can easily get rich.  In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, Stefan shares with us how, in his opinion, the stock market is not designed for the average investor to win, how he controls his investments and the outcome of his returns. Learn how you can become an insider in real estate with Aarnio’s ten keys and why the best deals always come to those who are the most visible, the most connected and the ones who are in control of the information in the market. Information is king! “By the time the property gets to you, everyone has explored any easy chances for profit, and you are usually too late to the party. Plus, you now have to pay the price that the seller wanted, plus the commissions of two realtors and two brokers. Negotiating becomes muddled because the realtors always have their own interests abov