Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Money People Deal: Chapter 9



Even though many entrepreneurs enter the business field alone, as time passes by, we realize that, to achieve real success, everyone needs to build a strong team to move forward and achieve goals and dreams. In this episode of Money, People, Deal, Stefan Aarnio shares the truth about “Lone Rangers” and how they get squashed on a daily basis by teams of professionals.  In this chapter, you will discover what separates the “mom and pop” from the Walmarts, Home Depots and McDonald's to achieve success in business. How can we create what is called a “sandman empire”? Learn all about the two types of investors: active and passive investors and answer the thirteen questions that must be asked before placing your money with an active partner. These questions are an interactive activity that can make you materialize in a faster way where you really want your money to go. Plus, how to avoid becoming a victim of bad due diligence.  “If an active investor can provide satisfactory answers to all of these questions, then