Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio




You want to do your work, she wants to go to LA or whatever. She, she's saying, Hey, let's have family time. You're saying, Hey, let's have work time. And when a man puts his purpose first, his work first, that usually makes him attractive to women because women want a man on purpose. The first chapter in the book is a man's purpose. I get guys who email me or message me cause they read hard times and they go, Oh I got problems with my woman, I can't get a girlfriend, I can't get sex or some sort of nonsense. Guys who have problems with women, it's usually because they're off purpose. Their purpose, their work, their mission, they're totally off. Maybe they are watching too much porn or video games. They're way off in the weeds. They're not on their purpose because when men are living their purpose, like when you show up to work here and you got this empire here, you're probably sexy to women. Women probably like that. They're like, oh hey, let's go to LA or and you're like, no, I'm working. I got this thing