For Food's Sake

FFS 043 - Bodies on the Line



2019 was the year of climate strikes. Animal rights activists, emboldened by a new wave of mass civil disobedience, are determined to end industrial animal agriculture. Millions of ordinary people took to the streets in 2019. They put their bodies on the line, engaging in mass civil disobedience to demand climate action. In an era where food is produced in factory farms with an immeasurable scale of suffering and destruction, what role should animal rights activists play in the transition towards a just food system? In this episode, we talk with Jeff Sebo (New York University), Nico Stubler (Direct Action Everywhere) and Kerri Waters (Animal Rebellion) about the history, strategies and actions of animal rights activists.  We discuss: The origins of civil disobedience in the animal rights movement  The different types of action and activism Strategies and tactics: who to target and why The stakes today: animal liberation as domestic terrorism? 60 years in prison?  The dangers of rationalising inaction The new