Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 005 - Four Beliefs That Can Affect Your Side Hustle Success



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Already have a website? Take the Free "Jumpstart Your Website Traffic" marketing mini-course at Leave a Review! What you believe plays a huge part in whether or not you’ll find success with your side hustle online. I’ve helped over 5,000 people build their websites for their online businesses, and through helping them, I’ve there are four common beliefs that people have about themselves that hold them back from finding success. Belief #1 – You’re not techie enough to build an online business. So, there’s no such thing as being “techie”. Yes, if you’re going to build a business online, there’s tech involved. There’s no way around it! But it’s not like you’re NOT techie, and everyone else out there understands something that you don’t. The only difference between someone who is “techie” and someone who isn’t is PERSISTENCE. Do you give up when you hit one roadblock, or do you keep l