Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 285 - Growing a Niche Travel Blog from Scratch with Jessica Serna of My Curly Adventures



When I say “niche” what’s your first thought? What I hear from my students in my Website Marketing Lab + Web Designer Academy courses are things like: “Thank goodness because I don’t want to be everything to everyone.” “I have too many interests, I don’t want to pick just one thing or one kind of person.” “What if I pick the wrong thing?!” For some people, it’s a relief.  Others feel really constricted when they hear that narrowing down your interests and focusing on one thing is the key to growing a successful business. Others never get started because they’re afraid to pick the wrong thing, or making the choice seems overwhelming. But what if instead of blindly doing all the things, or never starting because you were worried you made the wrong choice, you just tried a bunch of different things and were just really open to noticing what’s getting traction and following that path? That’s what today’s guest, Jessica Serna of the niche travel blog MyCurlyAdventures did. MyCurlyAdventures is a travel brand tha