Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 290 - Creating Community to Grow Your Side Hustle with Kelly McCausey



If you’ve listened to Pep Talks for Side Hustlers for any length of time, you know that once a month I give you a look behind the scenes of my business into not only the financials and the strategies, but also the journey of me running up against my limiting beliefs and having to work through my fear and self-doubt on my quest reach the goals I’ve set for myself. And just like any good quest, I meet people along the way who reveal the path forward for me, and my conversation with today’s guest was another one of those transformational moments. Kelly McCausey is the founder of Love People + Make Money, a membership program for female entrepreneurs, especially single moms, to help them build up their communities and businesses. One of the reasons I was so excited to have Kelly on the show is that just like me, she’s all about building a business through relationships and community. Kelly and I did this interview at the end of January and at the time, I was just closing out my biggest revenue month ever, and lik