Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 293 - How to Be a Chillpreneur with Denise Duffeld-Thomas



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review!   Back in my April income report in Episode 288 I shared with you how I read this book by Denise Duffield Thomas called Chillpreneur: The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom and Abundance on Your Terms, and how that book started me on a quest to transform my money mindset. I started reading it to distract myself from the overworking habit that crept back in at the start of the pandemic when my mind started to go squirrely with my same old money fears. And what Chillpreneur revealed to me is that I’ve been overworking and under-offering, and that if I wanted to change that I needed to go deeper than fluffy money mantras about abundance and attraction (which I personally think