Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family

SJP #002 : Tricia Goyer : When God Uses Your Pain & Your Past for Good in Your Life!



Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #002 with Tricia Goyer Show Notes:   I could not be more excited to have my amazing friend Tricia Goyer be my first official guest on my new podcast. Tricia is one of the most inspiring people I know. I find myself sharing parts of her story (anonymously) with others all the time. You know those conversations like, "I have this friend who..." People are always so blown away by her story and how she and her husband have said, "Yes!" to God in some ways that not many would be up for. I can't wait for you to hear it! We all have "baggage." You know, those things in our past that we wish hadn’t happened. Past pain and hurt that left a scar on our heart or a wedge in a relationship. There we are all the same. However, how we deal with that pain is often dramatically different. Some ignore it and try to stuff it down deep inside where they hope it won't bother them again. Some hide it and pray that no one will ever find out about it. Some choose to f