Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family

SJP #006 : Heidi St. John {Part 1} : Biblical Encouragement for Busy Moms



Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #006 with Heidi St. John Show Notes:   Biblical Encouragement for Busy Moms   Motherhood is not easy. We all can use encouragement along the way. Well, Heidi St. John is a master encourager! What I love about Heidi is that she’s not afraid to be very real and vulnerable about her “busy” life as a wife, mom of seven, and ministry leader. Heidi’s passion is sharing biblical encouragement — and boy, does she share a lot with us today.    Heidi is a dynamic speaker and has a very popular blog called The Busy Mom. Equally as popular is her podcast, The Busy Mom. You’ll hear more about how Heidi inspired me when I first heard her speak over seven years ago.   On a “Simply” & “Joyful” Note… Heidi has some great advice on how she simplifies…she shares it right after she laughs at me for asking the “busy mom” how she lives more “simply.” Ha! Hey, even busy moms can find ways to simplify their lives…and she has some great advice.   (Warning: This in