Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family

SJP #011: Lisa-Jo Baker : The Power of Friendship



Welcome to the Simply Joyful PodcastEpisode #011 with Lisa-Jo Baker The Power of FriendshipShow Notes:   Have you ever felt FOMO? That’s the Fear Of Missing Out. And in this day and age of social media, it not only makes friendships between women can make them feel downright impossible. Even if you’re not on social media you can experience FOMO when you hear about friends getting together for playdates or coffee without you. That fear of being left can easily set in. FOMO is real!  Friendships can be difficult for a variety of reasons. We as women compare ourselves to each other and feel like we fall short. Many of us carry baggage and hurts from friendships that went wrong. I share in this episode about a little “friendship PTSD” I experienced when I was hurt deeply by a friend. It made me want to pull back from friendships entirely, rather than put myself at risk of experiencing that pain again. I still second guess myself constantly years after this happened. I’m always