Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family

SJP #016: Lisa Whittle: How to Deal with Mommy Fear



How to Deal with Mommy Fear: Episode #016 with Lisa Whittle   * Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!   Mommy fear is a real thing. I have struggled for years with fear and anxiety. I've learned how to combat it with God's Word and lots of prayer. In fact the timing of this podcast interview with Lisa was so amazing, since I had just written a guest post about mommy fear for The Better Mom. I had Lisa's book sitting on my desk waiting it's turn to be read for the podcast interview…and I had no idea it was about putting “your warrior boots on” to fight fear. See, amazing.   So, I just know this episode is for you if you have ever struggled with fear, anxiety, or worry. I hope you are so encouraged…and I hope you will learn to put your warrior boots on, too.   THE SIMPLY JOYFUL PODCAST GIVEAWAY! Don't Miss This! June 12th - 20th Yay! It's officially here! To celebrate the start of "Season Two" of the podcast, we are having an AWESOME giveaway! AL