Welcome To My Bedroom Closet (laurel Anne Hill)

Real Vampires Don't Snore (A short story by Laurel Anne Hill)



Hello and welcome to my bedroom closet.  Get ready for "Real Vampires Don't Snore," my award-winning short story first published in 1997 by Calliope Magazine and recently re-released by Calliope due to popular demand.  My sense of humor itched when I wrote "Real Vampires Don't Snore."  Being a mother of a teen, I had to scratch that itch and laugh. Please note that my next podcast will involve my comparison of "Real Vampires Don't Snore" with my other vampire coming of age story, "Eternal Poetry."  My writing changed between 1997 and 2005.  I'd like to tell you how and why. If you enjoy this story, please subscribe to all my podcasts via iTunes.  And visit my website http://www.laurelannehill.com to learn about my other works, including my award-winning novel, Heroes Arise (KOMENAR Publishing, 2007). Thank you!