Welcome To My Bedroom Closet (laurel Anne Hill)

Crescendo at St. Sulpice in Paris (by Laurel Anne Hill)



Welcome to my bedroom closet!  In 2002, my husband and I spent the month of November in Paris.  Our dream vacation.  I was still recovering from a severe illness when I attended worship services at St. Sulpice, a church nearby our rented apartment.  I experienced more than I had anticipated that Sunday morning, and "Crescendo," relates my true, inspirational (and award-winning) story.  None of the music in my podcast came from the grand organ at St. Sulpice, but such music can be found through Google.  The introduction and closing music I used was graciously provided by Looperman at http://www.looperman.com.  Warm regards, Laurel Anne Hill (Author of "Heroes Arise") http://www.laurelannehill.com